Come and experience the beach in autumn - bring your whole family. Learn about threats to our marine and coastal life. See what interesting rubbish we might find! Help analyse our rubbish for the Sir Peter Blake Trust Care for our Coast program.
Yes, we mean lend a hand to picking up rubbish at the beach - gloves provided. Sausage sizzle afternoon tea to follow.
Here is a list of some of the more unusual finds around the coasts of NZ.
Half a sponge mattress, a steering console from a burnt boat, diving mask, wetsuit sleeve, 3 sq metres of carpet (Whangamumu Harbour), piece of car fender, car bumper, car door seal, car rims, piece of surfboard and 2 hubcaps. Headphones, lambing rings, picnic table, phone card, metal chain with a hook at one end, sheep wool, ferry ticket, G-shock watch, waterproof camera, goat skull, truck battery, TV screen, computer monitors, blowtorch, workman’s hat, discarded wallet, road cones, a chainsaw, cellphones, coffeemaker, bobsled and seven pairs of gloves in a single cleanup. A 2m tinny was found in the cleanup at Oruapure Bay on 14 May 2007, a 2.5m aluminium dinghy found at Moturekareka Island by the crew of the Spirit of New Zealand on 19 October 2008 and yet another aluminium dinghy found at Tryphena (Great Barrier) also by a Spirit crew. An intact bicycle, as well as bicycle parts, was found at Mussel Bay, Otago Harbour on 5 March 2007 and a push bike found at Lucken’s reserve on 10 February 2009 and a rusting boat trailer added to the most densely littered cleanup area, Evan’s Bay on 2 December 2008. Even the kitchen sink has been found on our beaches, not to mention a dishwasher, rusty old fridge and filing cabinet.
Please let me know if you can make it - your help is appreciated.
Supported by Rodney District Council.